Our Services:

Change Management

The Change Management activity will provide a structured framework for assessing a number of key areas that may hinder the success of the project if they are not addressed. The framework is based on numerous project experiences of what it takes to succeed and comprises the following elements:

  • Vision and Objectives: A compelling need and case for change exists, that is agreed upon at the top and is clearly   articulated to all staff
  • Leadership: Visible commitment from the top of the change and clear roles and responsibilities for managing and delivering the change
  • Project approach to change: The approach adopted and the speed with which change is being implemented
  • Commitment to change: Staff involvement and communications
  • Organizational alignment: Organizational structure alignment with objectives, management practice and processes
  • People performance: Training and knowledge transfer, policies and procedures in place that support successful implementation

cihIT’s Change Management activities will ensure that your business is ready to move forward with the use of your new solution in a confident and committed manner.